Used warnings command in #deleted-channel
?warnings 803106510922055681
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 09:55 AM
Member Left
@Unknown Baim#0177
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 11:19 AM
FG Animation#9226
Used mute command in #deleted-channel
Role Created: Muted
R E W#6852
@Unknown was given the Muted role
FG Animation#9226
Used mute command in #deleted-channel
?mute @KucingTapiMenangis nyeh ;(
R E W#6852
@Unknown was removed from the Muted role
FG Animation#9226
Used unmute command in #deleted-channel
?unmute @KucingTapiMenangis
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 11:29 AM
Channel Created: #farming-xp
FG Animation20-Oct-21 11:29 AM
Apa itu
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 11:56 AM
Channel Deleted: #farming-xp
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 02:55 PM
IzDarL UwU#3590
@Unknown was given the 📱 Minecraft Bedrock Edition role
IzDarL UwU#3590
@Unknown was given the 🎮 Event Ping role
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 04:15 PM
Channel Created: #ngocox yuk
Channel Deleted: #ngocox yuk
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 05:13 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw selamat sore wahai manusia manusia yang menjadi alatku
Click to see attachment🖼️
Bruno Marssy✨20-Oct-21 05:15 PM
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 05:15 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw hai Tante cantik
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw nanti malem mau ikut jalan jalan ngga~?
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw ku gendong
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw harus mau!!
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw AYOO!!
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw apasih alita sok asik bet
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw salsa punya gw!
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw ga mau tau pokoknya punya gw
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw dia punyaku!
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw tau tuh alita lesbi
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw masa gunting lawan gunting
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw kamu sama axolotl aja
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw aku sama salsa :3
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 05:30 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw axolotl rebus
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 06:48 PM
Raiden Shin Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Cari di gugel gua g bisa jelasin karena terhitung SARA
DynoBOT20-Oct-21 07:22 PM
@Bruno Marssy✨ was given the VIP role
Philippe Pétain#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Apakah Mapel Sejarah Akan Di Hapus Hmm , Lalu Kedepannya apa yang terjadi jika Mapel Sejarah Di Hapus
Used mute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?mute @feathers._ 1year
@Unknown was removed from the Moderator role
@Unknown was given the Muted role
@Unknown was removed from the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
Used mute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?mute 855769764353933343 1year
@Unknown was given the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
@Unknown was removed from the Muted role
Used unmute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?unmute 855769764353933343
@Unknown was given the Muted role
@Unknown was removed from the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used mute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?mute 855769764353933343 357D
@Unknown was given the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
@Unknown was removed from the Muted role
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used unmute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?unmute 855769764353933343
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used mute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?mute 855769764353933343 60d Die
@Unknown was given the Muted role
@Unknown was removed from the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
Used mute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?mute 855769764353933343 1y
@Unknown was given the roles 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer
@Unknown was removed from the Muted role
Used unmute command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?unmute 855769764353933343
DynoBOT22-Oct-21 07:53 PM
Channel Deleted: #〔〕General
Channel Deleted: #〔〕music
Channel Deleted: #〔〕minecraft
Channel Deleted: #〔〕pubg
Channel Deleted: #〔〕fortnite
Channel Deleted: #〔〕dota
Channel Deleted: #〔〕battlefield
Channel Deleted: #〔〕League Of Legends
Channel Deleted: #〔〕csgo
Channel Deleted: #〔〕Rocket league
Channel Deleted: #〔〕rainbow six siege
Channel Deleted: #〔❌〕Overwatch
Channel Deleted: #〔〕Other
Channel Created: #〔〕Mabar Voice
Channel Created: #〔〕Mabar Voice 2
Channel Created: #〔〕Mabar Voice
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Salah Sendiri Takut Sama Kurma Berkaki makanya datang ke dokter Psikologi biar ditangani Traumanya
DynoBOT22-Oct-21 08:25 PM
Channel Created: #〔〕bff-chat
Channel Created: #〔〕BFF Voice Chat
Channel Deleted: #〔〕BFF
Channel Created: #〔〕bff-command
Channel Created: #〔〕BFF AFK Voice
Channel Created: #〔〕BFF Voice Music
DynoBOT22-Oct-21 08:51 PM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Entahlah siapa suruh gua keluar Anyink
DynoBOT22-Oct-21 09:13 PM
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw :PB_Cheems:
DynoBOT22-Oct-21 10:08 PM
FG Animation#9226
@FG Animation was given the Legendary gamer role
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 08:11 AM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕share-media Oi Viet Cong Jangan Ngewibu disini
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 08:20 AM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used purge command in #〔📁〕message-logs
?purge 2
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 09:31 AM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw o iya kah
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 11:22 AM
Role Created: Groover
Member Joined
@Unknown Groover#2176
Account Age
1 years, 0 months, 10 days
@Unknown was given the Bots role
@Unknown was removed from the Bots role
@Unknown was given the Music Bots role
Shinden Hayate#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was removed from the Pro gamer role
Shinden Hayate#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the Pro gamer role
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 12:49 PM
Shinden Hayate#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was removed from the Pro gamer role
Shinden Hayate#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the Pro gamer role
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 02:30 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw panasss!
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw axolotl bakar
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw apa sih Pramudya as*
DynoBOT23-Oct-21 03:41 PM
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw nyeh
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Faiz anjing
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Faiz dua duanya
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw lu sama sodaralu
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw sorry bapak gw ada dirumah
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw bapakmu dimana iz?
DynoBOT26-Oct-21 10:46 AM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw als ich ein kind war, Wurde Eine gruppe von jungs im Dorfladen beim klauen erwischt
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw mein vater war außer sich als er davon erfuhr, aber ich habe doch gar nichts gestohlen vielleicht sagte er
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw ... Aber Tore was dort. mein name ist peter müller Kommandant des tiger panzers 237. Und ich Tatort
DynoBOT26-Oct-21 11:12 AM
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Para Wibu disini Mulai Stress
Shinden Hayate#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Ntar Perang Dunia 3 Pecah lu lagi nonton Anime ga sadar kalo tempat lu Target Nuclear
DynoBOT26-Oct-21 12:12 PM
Role Color Changed: #f1c40f > #d6e932
DynoBOT26-Oct-21 05:04 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw @ everyone
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw apa kau salsa chan
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw gelud kita >:c
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw no one can defeat me
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw ?ban
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw jangan gitu lah ;-;
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw :Mengsedihhh:
@Unknown was given the roles ✏ Artist 2D, 🐼 Sitil Friends, Default gamer, Pro gamer
@Unknown was removed from the Muted role
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 01:34 PM
Used ban command in #deleted-channel
?ban @Bruno Mars✨
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 03:39 PM
Osami Nagano#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 4
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 05:34 PM
Iori Yagami#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Bakar Rumah Orang Sate Manusia Kambing
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 06:38 PM
Role Color Changed: #386389 > #8a1e17
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 07:23 PM
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕pandasmp-chat Pelakunya akan diberikan Kejutan yang lebih spesial daripada Netherite Ingot
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕pandasmp-chat Bukan melainkan Sebuah Peralatan Antara Armor Full Enchant Atau Weapon Full Enchant atau Bisa saja Keduanya
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 08:08 PM
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Here we do not accept beggars like you do, because we work hard while you only ask for it.
DynoBOT13-Nov-21 08:50 PM
Member Left
@Unknown cookielate#6922
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 01:24 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used purge command in #〔🎉〕giveaways
?purge 10
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 02:09 PM
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Dibuka, Dijilat, Dimasukin. :PB_hehe:
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 04:51 PM
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Ada Yang Punya Jenny Mod :PB_PepeLaugh: :PB_hehe: :PB_Andi_tertawa:
Kliment Voroshilov#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Apa itu Tobat, Biasa kata kata itu Digunakan dalam Sinetron
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 06:11 PM
Role Color Changed: #0ba34c > #0f9d4c
Maximilian Voss#0673
Used purge command in #deleted-channel
?purge 5
@Unknown was removed from the 🐼PandaSMP Member⛏️ role
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 06:31 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw sok enggres
Maximilian Voss#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Lentera Rohani
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw hilih kintil
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 07:01 PM
Maximilian Voss#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Rule 34 is an Internet maxim which asserts that Internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic. The concept is commonly depicted as fan art of normally non-erotic subjects engaging in sexual behavior.
Aturan 34 adalah pepatah Internet yang menegaskan bahwa pornografi Internet ada mengenai setiap topik yang mungkin. Konsep ini umumnya digambarkan sebagai seni penggemar dari subjek yang biasanya non-erotis yang terlibat dalam perilaku seksual.
Maximilian Voss#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw untungnya pada Blindness semua :PB_PepeLaugh:
Role Created: new role
Role Deleted: new role
Role Created: new role
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 07:16 PM
Role Deleted: Tikus Berdasi/Koruptor UNB
Role Deleted: Security
DynoBOT14-Nov-21 07:27 PM
Maximilian Voss#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Moba Kok Analog, Moba Kok Batman, Moba 7M :PB_PepeLaugh:
Used warn command in #〔😂〕meme
?warn @Wahyu Dev suka liat gunung dan lubang berlendir
Used warnings command in #〔⚠〕moderation-logs
?warnings 848726411060707369
Used clearwarn command in #〔⚠〕moderation-logs
?clearwarn 848726411060707369
Used warn command in #〔⚠〕moderation-logs
?warn 848726411060707369 send photo 18+
Used warnings command in #〔⚠〕moderation-logs
?warnings @Bruno Mars✨
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 06:49 AM
FG Animation#9226
Used warnings command in #〔⚠〕moderation-logs
?warnings @beymek
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw fix si beymek
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 08:43 AM
Used ban command in #deleted-channel
Used warn command in #deleted-channel
?warn @Jr. doom send gif nsfw
Used warnings command in #deleted-channel
?warnings @Jr. doom
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 08:59 AM
Member Unbanned
@Unknown !.#6566
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 09:08 AM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw fix si beymek
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 04:54 PM
Used warn command in #〔❌〕report-member
?warn 693285340248670280 spam emoji
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 06:04 PM
Role Color Changed: #8a1e17 > #4484bf
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 07:04 PM
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?Announce #〔〕uwuw Yang Baca Berarti kalian WIBU
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 07:24 PM
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 5
FG Animation#9226
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 3
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 5
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 4
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the MVP role
FG Animation#9226
@FG Animation was given the MVP+ role
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?purge 6
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the 🥇 Golden Tools role
FG Animation#9226
@FG Animation was given the 💎 Diamond Tools role
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the MVP+ role
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
Used purge command in #〔💰〕unb
?purge 8
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 07:48 PM
Wahyu Ganzo#5829
Used warn command in #deleted-channel
?warn @Wahyu Dev main bot UNB di general
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was given the Bots role
Chester W. Nimitz#0673
@Claus Von Stauffenberg was removed from the Bots role
FG Animation17-Nov-21 08:22 PM
Apa yang sudah kau lihat
FG Animation
Apa yang sudah kau lihat
Bruno Marssy✨17-Nov-21 08:22 PM
ambil aja role bot
klo kamu penasaran
FG Animation17-Nov-21 08:25 PM
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 08:26 PM
FG Animation#9226
@FG Animation was given the Bots role
Bruno Marssy✨17-Nov-21 08:26 PM
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 08:26 PM
FG Animation#9226
@FG Animation was removed from the Bots role
FG Animation17-Nov-21 08:27 PM
Saya tidak kuat masuk lebih dalam lagi
Bruno Marssy✨17-Nov-21 08:28 PM
DynoBOT17-Nov-21 09:43 PM
Vladimir Schneider Von Schultz#0673
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw Yang Baca mukanya jadi 8 Bit
Bruno Marssy✨
FG Animation18-Nov-21 05:52 AM
Terlalu mengerikan
Bruno Marssy✨18-Nov-21 05:59 AM
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 10:06 AM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw jawabannya 5000
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw 5004
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 11:39 AM
FG Animation#9226
Used purge command in #〔🎉〕giveaways
?purge 4
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 12:05 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used warn command in #deleted-channel
?warn @beymek kirim gambar nsfw
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw gw yang rusakin server kalian >:)
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 12:39 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔💬〕general-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw tentukan nilai maksimumnya jika diketahui sistem pertidaksamaan 2x + y ≥ 6, x + y ≥ 5, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, bentuk objektif Z = x + 2y!
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 12:47 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw apa jawabannya
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 01:02 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw awas kamu liem
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw ku tandain mukalu
DynoBOT18-Nov-21 01:15 PM
FG Animation#9226
Used announce command in #〔🤖〕commands-staff
?announce #〔〕uwuw nub